Table of Contents |
Giving instructions for group work |
HOMEPAGE | back to
Topical and organisational arrangement of group work |
go on to Planning a teaching unit |
Eine Arbeitsanweisung kann enthalten
1. Ziel | wozu |
2. Aufgabenstellung | was |
3. Schwerpunktsetzung | was besonders |
4. Mittel, Hilfsmittel | womit |
5. Zeit | wie lange |
6. Sozialform | wer mit wem |
7. Aufgabenverteilung | wer übernimmt was |
8. Arbeitsprotokoll | wie tun die Gruppenmitglieder was |
9. Veröffentlichung | wer, wie und in welcher Form |
10. Kriterien der Beurteilung | nach welchem Maßstab |
Arbeitsanweisung (Beispiele mit didaktischen Kommentaren)
Situation: Zeigen des Films bis zu der Stelle, an der der Film aufhört.
We have to think about what we can do with this unfinished film.
Schüler versuchen den Arbeitsauftrag zu erschließen:
Have you got any suggestions?
Schüler suchen eine Begründung für die Präsentation
der Gruppenergebnisse
Can you produce the end to this film?
How can you manage to do so?
Schüler nennen mögliche Ziele.
The different steps of the film and these roll cards will help you
to find the conversation. Our six actors will help you as well. If you
need more help, I've got some sentences on a sheet here you which you can
You have 20 minutes for finding and practising to act out the conversation.
When I ring the bell you stop working, please.
Who wants to write down the different parts of your tasks on the
board? Please dictate what to write on the board.
Please read the tasks again.
Are there any questions right now?
After 5 minutes we are going to have a short break so that you'll
have the chance to ask more questions. Please go into your groups and start
at once.
Was ist an der folgenden Arbeitsanweisung falsch?
Now listen: we want to describe the characters
in group work. On every card there is a character. Now take a card. The
name and number written on the card will tell you in which group you are.
Don't tell the others which character you've got on your card!!!
Lehrer läßt Karten ziehen, verteilt
Nummern auf den Tischen; Schüler gehen zu den zugewiesenen Gruppen.
Now listen again: each group will get a list
with all the words we've learnt. Underline the words which you think are
correct for the person you want to describe. Then write a short text on
the poster about the person so that we can imagine exactly what s/he looks
like and what character s/he has. The draw a picture in the box and cover
it with a sheet of paper, when you have finished. At the end of the lesson
each group hat to present their character in front of the class - and the
others have to find out who it is.
Schüler arbeiten in Gruppen an den gegebenen
Put down your pencils. Now listen carefully and
find out which character the others had.
Table of Contents |
Giving instructions for group work |
HOMEPAGE | back to
Topical and organisational arrangement of group work |
go on to Planning a teaching unit |