Project Northern Ireland: Solution of the "Terrorism and killing - Crossword puzzle" on the web-site for teachers and learners of English as a secondary language from a German point of view
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Solution of the "Terrorism and killing
Crossword puzzle"
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A crossword puzzle"
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Solution: Crossword "Terrorism and killing"

Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  1F Ì  2F Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  3E Ì 
4T E R R O R I S T Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  X Ì 
Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  R Ì  G Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  5W Ì  P Ì 
Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  C Ì  H Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  A Ì  L Ì 
6V I O L E N T Ì  7W A R R I O R
Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  S Ì 
Ì  Ì  8D I C T A T O R Ì  Ì  Ì  I Ì 
Ì  Ì  I Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì  9A Ì  Ì  O Ì 
Ì  10A S 11S A S 12S I N A T I O N Ì 
Ì  Ì  P Ì  M Ì  N Ì  Ì  Ì  T Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì 
Ì  Ì  A Ì  B Ì  I Ì  Ì  13D E F E N D
Ì  Ì  T Ì  U Ì  P Ì  Ì  Ì  M Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì 
Ì  Ì  C Ì  S Ì  E Ì  Ì  Ì  P Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì 
Ì  Ì  H Ì  H Ì  R Ì  Ì  Ì  T Ì  Ì  Ì  Ì 
across: è  down: ê 
4. Someone who frightens and kills other persons, 
    so that people will do what he wants
1. Another word for "power"
6. strong and dangerous 2.To use hands, guns, weapons against  
   another person
7. another word for soldier; he  
    needn't be in an army.
3. There is a loud noise when it happens,  
    sometimes people are injured
8. Person who has total control of a  
    country. Hitler was such a person.
5. Fight between countries 
8. to end someone's life suddenly
1o. When 9.down is successful; the  
     murder of a politician for 
     impersonal, political reasons
9. "To make an .................." means 
    here an attack on a V.I.P.'s life 
    as a terrorist act
13.The opposite of to "attack" 11. A hiding place in which people lie in  
     wait to attack suddenly
  12. A person who shoots at an exposed  
     individual from a hiding place to kill  
     him and frightens others
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Solution of the "Terrorism and killing
Crossword puzzle"
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A crossword puzzle"
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