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Reported Speech: Indirekte Rede Ausgangssituationen
Personen, Rollen, Zielsetzung (ein Beispiel)
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Reported Speech: Indirekte Rede Ausgangssituationen - Personen, Rollen, Zielsetzung (ein Beispiel)

1. Situation*

* Es muß ablesbar sein, 1. wer mit wem, 2. in welcher Situation (Kontext, setting), 3. als was (Rolle), 4. über was, 5. in welcher Absicht (z.B. widersprechen, überzeugen), 6. zu welchem allgemeinen Zweck (z.B. Information, Aufklärung, Erläuterung, Interpretation), 7. mit welchen sprachlichen Mitteln (Syntax, Lexis, Äußerungsmuster, Klangformen), 8. auf Grund welcher Einsichten in Sach- und Sprachzusammenhänge, 9. auf welchen Wahrnehmungskanälen, 10. durch welche Lernschritte und Arbeitsformen die Schüler mit Hilfe der gelernten bzw. zu lernenden Sprachmittel kommunizieren bzw. korrespondieren.


My name is 
Caroline Miller. I'm Mr  Bossy's secretary. He likes having me around him in conferences and meetings. Mum is a bit jealous of me because she must stay in the office at the receptionst's desk
I'm  Ester Miller. I've been working for 
Mr Bossy for 25 years. 
In former times he took me out to meetings. But today he prefers taking out my daughter Caroline for his "working lunches". He is so unfair.
I'm Tom Bossy and the managing director of Communication Enterprises, Bristol. I've got two excellent secretaries, Ms Caroline
and Mrs Ester Miller. Ms Caroline is good at languages; so I like to take her to international conferences and meetings. Mrs Miller puts her heart and soul into her job and looks after me in the office when work seems to swallow me up.

Place:                         in front of Mr Bossy's and Ms Miller's office

Time:                         4:04:41 pm, 18th October 2005

Contents:                 Mr Bossy talks to his secretary Ms Miller about a meeting of 11 persons and their working lunch
                                     that will take place at the George Hotel at 2 the next day.

Intentions:                Mr Bossy praises his secretary for good work, wants her to come to
                                     and the working lunch, needs a table for 11 at 2 o'clock at the George Hotel,

purposes:                Ms Miller is to ask Mrs Miller to order this table and ends the conversation. Ms Miller agrees.

Attitudes and moods:

Ms Carline Miller Mrs Ester Miller Mr Bossy:
self-confident joyful
Mrs Miller:
self-confident joyful

2. Problemstellung, Aufgabe:

One day there was a problem at the office:
This is the conversation between Caroline and Mr Bossy at the end of the working hours on Monday:

Mr Bossy

Ms Miller

Mr Bossy

Ms Miller

Mr Bossy

Ms Miller

You were excellent yesterday evening.
You are the best secretary I've ever had.
Come to a working lunch tomorrow.

O.K., Mr Bossy

It'll be at 2.

That'll be all right, Mr Bossy.

Thank you, Ms Miller.  Please tell your mum
to order a table for 11 at  the George Hotel. Bye, Ms Miller.

O.K. Good bye, Mr Bossy.

Find out the different kinds of saying 
 in this conversation
 Find different verbs of reporting that fit
 these kinds of saying
 Find the different tenses of the verbs
 Find the different dates and adverbials of time
 Find the different places mentioned in the text
 Write everything in your list:  Worksheet 1
Find out the different  kinds of saying 
 in this conversation
 Find different verbs of reporting that fit
 these kinds of saying
 Find the diffent tenses of the verbs
 Find the different dates and adverbials of time
 Find the different places mentioned in the text
The teacher writes everything on the board

This is the conversation between Caroline and her mother on Tuesday morning:

O.K. I'll order the table.
Think of what Mr Bossy said yesterday evening: 
He praised me that I had been excellent the evening before. 
He added that I was the best secretary he had ever had. 
He told me to come to a working lunch at 2. I agreed.
He thanked me and asked me to tell you
to order a table for 11 at the George Hotel.
I promised to do so and we said good bye.


This is Mrs Miller's telephone call later on Tuesday morning:

Is this the George Hotel? Good.
This is Mr Bossy's office, Mrs Miller speaking. 
I want to order a table for two at 
11 o'clock.
Yes, for Mr Bossy. Thank you. Good bye.


On Friday Communication Enterprises had their weekly meeting at Mr Bossy's office. Mr Bossy wanted to make clear what had happened on Tuesday at lunchtime at the George Hotel where he had found a table for two with candlelight instead of a table for 11 at 2 for a working lunch. Mrs Miller told what Caroline had told her and what she had ordered to the George Hotel and Caroline contradicted and repeated what she had actually said to her mother.

Mrs Ester Miller:

Caroline told me shortly after nine on Tuesday morning that you praised her that she had been excellent the night before. She was the best secretary you had ever had. You asked her if she would come to lunch to the George Hotel at 11 on Tuesday and begged her to tell me to order a table for two  there.

Ms Caroline Miller: 

I said to her that you had told me 
I had been excellent the evening before. 
That I were the best secretary you had ever had. 
You told me to come to the working lunch
at 2. I agreed. You thanked me and asked me 
to tell her to order a table for 11 at the George Hotel. 
I promised to do so and said good-bye.

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Reported Speech: Indirekte Rede Ausgangssituationen
Personen, Rollen, Zielsetzung (ein Beispiel)
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