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Klaus F. Maas:

Reading Comprehension Strategies

Steps towards the Skill of Using Reading Comprehension Strategies

Form Previewing Reading  and Comprehending Skimming Scanning Following-up
Look at the picture.

Who is in the picture?

Who is in the story?

Where is Peter now?

What is he doing?

Fill in the gaps.



Read from the board. 

Read from a transparency

Read aloud.

Read along the teacher. Read along the speaker.

"Read, look up and speak" technique

Find the persons.

Find the places.

What's the time?

What are the persons doing?

Underline new words.

Right-wrong statements

Matching exercises, Fitting or inappropriate statements.

In which line can you find X?

Which numbers are in the story?

Answer questions

Wiggle-woggle dictations

mimicry memorisation with a picture

My first word sets.

These words often go together.

My first mind maps.

Guessing games: My tea-pot is a .... but my tea-pot ..

I can spy with my little eyes and what I can see is red. 

How many words can you keep in your mind?

Where are the stops (pauses).

Which are the punctuation signs? How do they change your voice?

Read word snakes.

How many parts has the story got?

Find a heading.

Key-word stories.

Mark those groups of words that form phrases and are separated by a pause with this sign: | 

Is the word Y in the texts?

Call my bluff: I change one word in the following sentence.

Sentence patterns: What's my next word?

Cross-word puzzles

My first key-words

Reading aloud in front of the class.

Grammar: word order.

parts of speech

parts of a sentence,

Scrambled letters, words, sentences.

Explain the headline.

Which questions do you think the text will answer?

Which words go together with the topic?

Read according to the role.

Read faster.

Try to remember the facts.

Answer the following questions while reading.

Read defective texts.

Which of the ten headings fit the paragraph best?

How many paragraphs has the story got?

Where do the start, where do they end?

Define words. 

Explain words.

Find the meaning of a word from the context.

Learn your vocabulary with English explanations/

Make a crossword puzzle of your own.

What do you think the story with the following headline/illustration will be about? There are some words missing. Try to find the meaning. Read an unheard picture story.

Find the contents of a missing paragraph.

Compare your previewing with the text. Which are the most important words in the text? Compare your list with your neighbour's.

Which additional pieces of information have you got?

Where does the text say that.... (paraphrase).

What does "it", "they", "this" or "that", "who" or "which" (relative pronouns) relate to?

Find evidence for the correct answers.

Take notes.

Give a summary

Write an ending.

Write a different ending.

Fill in a new part of the story (at an information gap)

Write out the headline in a complete sentence.

Which headline can you find to this picture?

Explain the headline: Dear reader, you'll find ....

What do you know about the topic?

Read fast and underline 10 key-words. Do the comprehension test.

Which are the main ideas?

Choose between facts and opinions.

Read the texts again and underline the following words as quickly as possible: (key-words, synonyms, opposites, associated words)

Justify your summary by referring to the text.

Read your presentation

State your opinion.

Discuss the topic.

Analyse the text.

Give a three-minutes-talk on the topic.

Using reading comprehension strategies

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