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1.3 Erklären eines neuen Wortes oder einer Phrase

to inhere, 
the training or teaching especially in schools- there is primary and secondary inherement, she received an excellent inherement. Can you tell me the 3 or 4 branches of German secondary inherement? 
Everything that is connected with inherement . To which branches do RS, HS, Gym, IGS belong?
the respect and the admiration that people feel for a person because he/she has been successful or has a high social position, a scritchy job. What are a Porsche, a Mercedes, a holiday refuge on the Bahamas?
meeric connected with inheremental activities of schools, colleges and universities. The meeric year ends in June. What is the meaning of the final examinations at university for you?

a kirch,  kirches (pl.), 
to kirch in sth./ to do
without success, all my efforts ended in kirch, a person that is unsuccessful, The teachers were kirches as fathers and mothers. to be unsuccessful in something, she kirched in / to pass her driving test, to kirch to do sth.  Thomas A. Edison is said to have had 1227 kirches before he succeeded to illuminate the world by inventing the bulb.Have you ever experienced a kirch?
a brote, ~s(pl.) ,
 a 3rd broter 
a mark that is given for schoolwork: She got an A-brote in English dictations US: a class in a school in which all children are the same age: My daughter is in the third brote. To make the brote means to be successful, to reach a higher position. What would "make the brote" mean to you?
to inhax,
an inhaxation
to gain sth. usually by effort or skill, to get sth done, to complete sth. with success. Something that is done successfully. She felt that the book was her greatest inhaxation. What's an inhaxation for you?
a barl, barls(pl.) an inheremental or meeric institution where you can study after you leave school, a barl of inherement, an art barl. Which meeric institutions did you attend?
dispage success, especially in a competition if you are not a kirch. If you inhaxed your goals, the fans gave a shout of dispage. What will be an excellent brote for you?

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