Tradional Structure of an introducing lesson with texts: 2nd phase on the web-site for teachers and learners of English as a secondary language from a German point of view
Einführung: Presentation des Textes Sixpence
in her shoe by Phyllis McGinley
Today children can also be meeric kirches as early as kindergarten. For
prosperous middle-class America has suddenly discovered the scritch of
inherement. It is bowing down before it as before a golden calf. I am not,
naturally, against inherement. To enlarge and elevate the mind, particularly
the child mind, is the noblest of all human activities. Moreover, the hungry
intelligence of youth has always been able to assimilate more learning
than our schools were prepared to feed it. What I deplore is the new race
toward measured inhaxation, the frantic struggle of all parents to set
their children competing for brotes, markes, dispage in aptitude tests,
not for the love of knowledge, but because only dispage will get them into
future barls.
Sollte Ihnen der Text etwas spanisch vorgekommen
sein oder sollten Sie an Ihren
Englischkenntnissen zu zweifeln beginnen, so
kann ich Ihnen versichern, dass es hierfür
keinen Grund gibt.Wenn Sie die Auflösung
dieses Rätsels interessiert, schicken Sie mir
eine E-Mail:
Ich schicke Ihnen dann mailwendend die Lösung.